Sunday, September 25, 2016


Who are you?

I am Krista, sometimes known as ‘Kristalicious’

Describe your personal style

I’ve never really known how to describe my personal style, mostly because until fairly recently I haven’t really HAD any style to be honest.
As an overweight or ‘plus size’ woman, I spent a lot of my adolescence and young adulthood being really ashamed and embarrassed about my body, which led to hiding my body and subsequently, my personality, under baggy jeans and men’s t-shirts most of the time.

I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself, and tried to be as inconspicuous as possible.
It wasn’t until a few years ago, when I discovered the rockabilly/vintage/pinup scenes that I realised that there were in fact beautiful clothes for plus size women, that flattered different body types and gave me the confidence to push my boundaries a bit. I was so excited to find that there were so many beautiful clothes out there that didn’t resemble the bedazzled butterfly print potato sacks that I was used to seeing in the plus size sections of the department/chain stores that I frequented.

Recently though, a friend tagged me in an article about ‘Toddler Grandma Style’, which seems to sum me up pretty perfectly these days! Apparently Toddler Grandma style refers to the kind of clothes that pretty much only toddlers or grandmas can ‘get away with’ – crazy loud prints, cardigans, patterns, brooches, colourful dresses etc.
To me, it’s kind of the perfect combination of whimsy and comfort, and I refuse to accept the idea that although my toddler years are a distant memory and grandma-hood is in the very distant future, I shouldn’t be able to have some fun and wear all of the colours and cuts and prints that I want to, as a 20-something-year-old.

Who is someone you admire?

Pretty much anyone who can do winged eyeliner…

That is an art I am yet to master! I also admire the little girl that I saw at a birthday party once – all the other little girls were dressed as fairy princesses, but this girl was dressed in a giraffe costume and she ROCKED it.
I hope that if I ever have kids, they feel confident and comfortable enough in their own skin to be a giraffe in a world of fairy princesses if that’s what they want!
Actually, I think there’s something in that for everyone really, at any age.

Name 5 adjectives to describe you


What gets your creativity flowing?

Kitchen or loungeroom dance parties, seeing the sparkle in someone’s eyes when they talk about their passions, the feeling of pen on paper, and hearing people’s stories.

What is something surprising about you?

I can’t think of anything that is surprising really – I’m a pretty open book!

Although, sometimes people are surprised to find out that I’m actually an introvert by nature.
The nature of the work that I do means I have to try really hard to be an extrovert in order to communicate and connect with people and be up in front of groups talking and facilitating, so lots of people only ever see that side of me.
But as much as I love people, sometimes being around them actually takes a huge amount of effort and energy from me, so I need time to be my introverted self, away from the demands of the world, where I can recharge my batteries.
Most of the time, my idea of a blissful weekend involves staying in my little cottage in my pajamas, pottering around and enjoying my own company.

Do have a favourite clothing piece?

At this point in time, I think it would have to be my watermelon skirt… because, well, it’s a watermelon!
And also, it has pockets, and any skirt with pockets is an instant winner in my eyes!

My blog is currently under construction, but in the meantime you can find my day-to-day adventures, thoughts, and rants over at my Facebook page, ‘Being Kristalicious’