Sunday, July 10, 2016


Who are you?
Mimsy - trailer trash tattoo

Describe your fashion style
It depends what day of the week it is- but mainly suburban southside bogan.
Winter kills it for me though.

Who is your favourite style icon & why?
Aargh! Well, much like the last question it depends what mood I'm in! Anyone from A 50s movie, through to poison ivy from the cramps, sailor moon through to- psychobilly , Cute Chicano girls , to early 90s grunge/metal ... I'm sorry I'm just not that stylish/ or willing to be put in a category

Name your 5 essential fashion pieces
Flanny, bandanna, cute flats, retro sunglasses, winged eyeliner, hoop earrings and a sassy attitude
(oops that's 7!)

Do you have a special prized fashion piece in your wardrobe?
hmmmmm ..... Probably my 50s lucite kitten heels - that I never wear, and my same era, shell and rattan handbag.... My creepers that I've had forever ... , my leopard jackets and denim vests (especially the one with the iron maiden back patch) . Oh- and my hello kitty vans high tops😀

What is something surprising about you?
I'm thrifty- I hardly ever would pay retail - I don't own anything from fancy shmancy brand names, and in the past have sourced any of my vintage outfits at bargain prices- most of my basics everyday wear is from the op shop or Kmart.
I'm not from the "vintage mafia" train of thought- and don't judge anyone based on their purity as far as that goes- express yourself and just have fun.
To me, it's not about impressing anyone ..what you wear has no bearing on you as a person, it's an entirely personal thing- and we're all into different things-
I work with a lot of younger people who are into sorta metal /black only style and I love that too! Just wear whatever you're in the mood for... I go through full on "phases".
One week my philosophy might be "what would dita do", and the next I'm getting excited for rainbows and sparkles... (Well, always with the sparkles actually).
Quite often I do not dress "age appropriate" and I'm sure the "style police" would have a field day with me- but, shmeh...
In the words of the incredibly kawaii bei bad girl - just be cute, and don't worry!

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